Our policy
At Wellard Early Learning Centre, we encourage parents to have a say in their child's education and learning milestones. If a parent or carer has any feedback or wants to view their child's daily journal, they are welcome to by making an appointment with our CEO.
We also encourage parents/carers to be part of the child's day care time. This can be achieved by simply spending more time playing with your child after dropping them off or picking them up, donating goods, or by volunteering some of your time to the centre.
We also highly encourage parent/carer involvement regarding feedback. If you have a need or want that is not being met then we will try our best to accommodate this.
About our Payment Schedule
Accounts are to be paid weekly, on or before Thursday night. If fortnightly payments are made, pay one week in advance. Account statements will be placed near the sign in file. Fee payment option is direct deposit. Our account details are:
BSB: 016 016 ACC#: 211 542 344 Name: Wellard Community Services Inc